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Getting to your goals - go for black!







I'm so excited that you are here!!  Just by the fact that you've come to this page shows that you want to learn and that you are willing to do what it takes to be successful with this business.  And I'm excited to show you how!!! 




GREEN is the FIRST level of leadership with Younique and should be what you want to AIM for!!  To hit GREEN you need to have 4 qualified presenters, $10,000 in company volume and $500 PRS (plus you need to have hit Yellow first - $1000 PRS). 




Scroll all the way down for specific examples of those that have promoted quickly and the actions they took to do so... 









FIRST STEP:   Get organized and then get GOING!! 
Give your self a day to get organized, or maybe your first weekend - but that's about it.  It's more important to take action!  Organization helps you to be more efficient, but nothing happens without action.   Some presenters worry so much about having everything perfect before they fill like they can start sharing, but you can learn as you go!   









Set aside 20 minutes each day to learn and invest in yourself.  At first it may be about the products or the company.  Or it may be personal development or direct sales.  Great leaders continually learn and are coachable!  Check out my recommend reading list for more, but here are my must reads:

* Go Pro, Eric Worre
* Rock Your Network Marketing Business, Sarah Robbins
* How to Make Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie









You've GOT to have a vision!!!!  This is SOOO important.  Why?  Because you'll have rough days and slow days -- everyone does.. BUT, your vision will carry you over those days.  Your vision will keep you going... your vision will help you see that your efforts ARE WORTH IT!!!!  And the ONLY way to reach the top is to communicate that vision onto your team.  If you don't have a vision, there is no way for them to have it.  Make  a goal, write it down and look at it every day.  Talk about how your business will be in the PRESENT TENSE:  not ...  "I will be successful" - but "I am successful, I am outgoing, I am organized, I am efficient".  Whatever characteristics you want to have- declare those and that will help make them happen!   POSITIVE THINKING WORKS!!!!!









It's important to get customers right away.  Your first customers will be your first hosts and your first presenters.   Start your first party your first week.  Read up on how to do a successful party and get going.  BUT, it's not enough just to do your own party.  You need to book AT LEAST 5-6 parties as quickly as possible.   And I highly encourage you to do a local grand opening (not online) once you get your kit!!  Home parties rock!









It's KEY to start making contacts right away.  This business THRIVES on NEW contacts-- daily and weekly new contacts.  Start by making a list of 100 people that you know - then make another list of local businesses you can partner up that may be interested in our products (salons, nail techs, hair stylists, etc..) Start contacting those you know letting them know about your new exciting business and how you'd love to help them get free products by setting up a facebook group for them. 

Make a goal to have at least 2-3 new contacts each day.  To get your business moving faster, aim for 5 new contacts, 5 days a week!!  Keep business cards and 3D Lashes with you in your purse for conversations on the go! 






I know you technically have 90 days to reach Fast Start with Younique, but in my opinion, 90 days is too long.  If you sponsor just 3 people in 90 days, you lose precious momentum.  That means it could take 3 months to possibly hit Pink- or longer.  I HIGHLY suggest if you are in this to reach the top that you hit Fast Start within your first 30 days.  In fact I suggest you actually focus on sponsoring MORE than 3 presenters.  Sponsoring is KEY to building a large, profitable business .  Those that promote fast sponsor 5-10 presenters their first 30-45 days.   Learn more tips on how to successful sponsor HERE. 









To be successful you need to focus on  your team.  As you sponsor, take the crucial time to connect with your new team member.  Make sure you msg, call or start their training within the first 48-72 hours.   Statistically many direct sales consultants check out within the first 72 hours if they don't start going.  I highly suggest a personal phone call!!!  Learn about their goals, their life, why they joined and what they need to have happen with Younique to feel successful.  Use this NEW PRESENTER CHECKLIST as a guide. (coming soon!)  Invite your new presenters to a current party, meet with them in person if they are local, get them on your upline's training calls, etc ...  Set up a weekly mentoring call to help them put together an action plan.  Help them to focus on FAST START!!  It is KEY that you help your new presenters learn how to sponsor their first month.  Your team will only grow if you teach them WHY sponsor and HOW to sponsor.   Don't get TOO crazy with costly incentives.  If you promise things you can't always offer, it will stress you out and take up a lot of your commissions.  Recognition IS important - but that doesn't always mean gifts and incentives.  Recognition on your team page, their fb profile, a card in the mail or a personal phone call can be effective.  Women LOVE recognition-- you can NEVER give too much! 









Network marketing is truly a relationship business.   Building and creating relationships is key to:
* making new contacts and leads 
* sponsoring presenters 
* encouraging and motivating team members
* building and keeping trust with your team

People usually join under those they feel some connection with.   If you build a relationship and friendship with your hostesses they will be more likely to host again or join as a presenter.    Make sure to thank your customers and hostesses -- they are the lifeline of your business.  Msg or email a thank you when someone purchases, or even better, personally mail them a thank you card.  Think of how many thank you cards you receive when you make a purchase and what an impact that could make.  Instead of always "selling, selling, selling"... think more about sharing and connecting with others.  Make it a goal to make those you are around feel better after they talk with you.  Leave everyone better than you found them!!  Make eye contact, smile, be natural and let your personality shine through!!  









One of the biggest keys to this business is to create a BRAND for yourself.  It was one of THE best tips I ever received.  When people think of Younique you want them to think of you.  When people think of you, you want them to think of Younique.  Facebook and other social media outlets are perfect for this.  Remember, people don't go to Facebook to purchase necessarily- but they do go to find helpful info and great tips.  Make sure you are using Facebook to let people know that not only do you do facebook, but you are successful, having fun, and earning income.  When people see Younique somewhere else, they will remember they saw you posting about it and come back to you.  I use my personal profile to thank customers, give shout outs to my team, post before and afters, talk about my accomplishments and things I'm excited about.  If you are just getting started, share your upline's or team's accomplishments.  Don't make it salesy!!!  Keep it light and fun!  Sometimes I'll post a picture of my kids at the park and say something like "my office for the day", and not even mention Younique.    Take some time to learn how to get the most out of Facebook.  









I think this may be THE most important thing!!  You have GOT to be consistent.  And commit to be consistent.  Whatever your monthly goal is (and I'll give you a good monthly goal to aim for), hit it every month.  ACCEPT NO EXCUSES!!!!!  If you have a goal, make it happen.  If you are not reaching your goal with one action, try another action.   Be stubborn and persistent!!   One thing I did my first month was to set a weekly sales goal.  If sales weren't coming in through my website or online parties, I ordered lashes and did cash and carry.  ((TIP: CASH & CARRY IS GOLD!!!!  ALWAYS KEEP 5-6 SETS OF LASHES ON YOU!!! ))).  I was going to hit my goal no matter what!   And really consistency is just doing the little daily activities toward your business-- and repeating that every week.  Each week I make new contacts, I book new parties, I share the business.  And then I repeat. 

So, here's my suggested goal to aim for EVERY month:  5/5/2 
5 Sponsored Presenters, 5 online parties going at all times, $2000 PRS.  Do this and teach your team to do the same and you WILL promote quicker. 










<< I love this image <<  because it really highlights the key aspects of a good leader.  One of the most important attributes is that they don't make it about themselves-- they keep the focus on their team.   I've learned that you can't PULL people up.  The only way to succeed is to PUSH from the bottom up.  If you are helping your team be successful, then you will in turn be successful.  

The other key is to recognize and cultivate leaders.  Who are the leaders??  They are the ones who not only SAY they want to do something, but they actually DO IT.  Spend the most time with your leaders and those who put in the action.  Not sure how to tell who will be a leader?  Give them a task in a short amount of time and see if they complete it.  That's your leader.  They won't give you excuses about how they couldn't do it- They'll just do it.  Give everyone on your team the same training and support, but spend the time with those that are working.  









I remember hearing a saying a while back, "you can have it all, but not all at once".  There is some kind of sacrifice that will need to take place if you want to push your business hard and to make the kind of money possible in this business.  There IS work involved.  There IS time involved.  But it's work that can be done at home, on your OWN time.   How can you ask for a better business than that!!!!   But, you may need to stop watching TV, you may need to make more simple meals, you may need to ask your spouse and kids to help out more around the house.  You may be fitting in work during your lunch hour at work, or during your kids soccer practice.  You may need to get up earlier or go to bed later.  And you WILL want to get out of your comfort zone and maybe learn some new skills.  I want to be TOTALLY realistic about expectations.... those that have promoted to Black have WORKED.   And now they are earning in ONE month what some earn in an ENTIRE YEAR.   So, it's up to you to decide-- is it worth it to work hard and sacrifice for the short term to experience amazing rewards in the long term.    Now, don't mistake sacrifice and hard work for getting rid of priorities and balance.  Keep your priorities in check!!!!  Schedule your family's activities FIRST.  Then schedule your Younique business activities around your life.   The last thing you want is to have a successful business and a family that resents you and your business.  Make your family the reason for doing this business- but don't let your family suffer as an side effect.  




There is NO guarantee of what you will earn in this business, but consistency and doing the steps outlined here will help you get closer to the goals you set for yourself.  And there IS great money to be made, but it does take time and the steps I've listed above!   Do those and you'll do great!!   Remember-- get to GREEN and get your team to green!!!  That is the KEY to promoting!! 

The formula:  
Make 3-5 New Contacts every day
Brand yourself Younique
5 Parties going on at all times
5 New Presenters Each Month
$1000 - $2000 PRS each month
Train your new team to do the same
Be Consistent.  Be Patient.  Keep your VISION! 

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