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Social Media Training


Facebook has over 500 MILLION active users... If it was a country... It'll be the considered the 2nd LARGEST country in the world... There's a ton of Do's and Don'ts on how to use the Facebook machine... For those who don't know... This is a GOLD mine...

If you treat this like a hobby... it'll pay you like one... but if you're taking consistent action on a day-to-day basis... your business will EXPLODE and you'll have people constantly friend requesting you... Engaging with your content and sharing you... The goal of Facebook is to EXPAND your digital blueprint... If you google your name... It should pop up and the activity you have been doing on Facebook will help with your overall ranking..

You need to provide value... It's really the only way... Facebook isn't a one-way street... Just like a relationship between a man and a woman... The less you pay her attention... The more she will get it from somewhere else... The less you add to her life... The more someone else will add to her life... You have to be constantly in the public eye... commenting, posting, liking, sharing, and engaging... Facebook's EdgeRank is NOT in your favor. You cannot be vacant. The more value you give it... The more value it gives you.

EdgeRank is the complex algorithm designed to "rank" your profile (business card) as either VALUABLE... POPULAR... RESEPCTED.. OR DUNCE... Depending on how many likes + comments you get, your value, popularity, and respect will increase or decrease... For post that don't get a lot of engagement.. Delete them as SOON as possible OR your EdgeRank will take a PLUNGE and it'll effect your next post...



Let's face it ... social media is here to stay.  And for direct sales, it's a GREAT thing!!  All of a sudden you have the ability to market to and connect with SO MANY MORE people than you ever could before!   And you can work with the Social Media that you feel most comfortable with.  For me personally, that is Facebook. 90% of everything I do is through Facebook... but other people have found results with pinterest, instagram, twitter and others.  I suggest focusing one one MAIN method and then adding 1-2 on the side.    I focus on facebook, but then 1-2 times a week I'll post things to instagram or pinterest. 

First- don't let this get overwhelming!!  I'm going to share different ways to market on facebook. You don't have to do all of them.  But I would suggest you do at least one.  Keep in mind too that Facebook is about building relationships  and building your "brand" of YOU.  It takes some time to do this.  I see more results now from people that I first connected with a few months ago.  And social media can be a TIME SUCKER!!  So, if you are doing this as a business, schedule in when you will do your FB promoting and stick to a schedule or time limit - otherwise you could be on there ALL day ... and that is NOT always income producing! 

One thing I do recommend is to utilize your Younique Profile.  This will greatly help your business!!  Think of yourself as a brand.  With your Younique Business you want to build that brand.  When other people think of Younique you want them to think of YOU... when people think of YOU, you want them to think of Younique.   If you are doing this as a business, you want people to know you are the "lash lady" -- but in a cool way ;) 

One of the best things you can do is to post something on your profile.  Take a photo of you with the lashes on OR use another photo from our photo gallery.  On your post don't write too much info!!! This is REALLY important. You want to peak your friends curiosity so they will ask more questions.  Here's an example of what to write:
           "Just discovered this super cool product that makes my lashes look awesome!  I'm in love!!!!  Let me know if you want more info about it.  Super cool!!" 

NO WEBSITE LINK!!  Not every post has to be about Younique, but use your profile to thank your customers, welcome your new presenters, congratulate team members.  It doesn't have to be "buy this" or "join my team".  (in fact - don't EVERY use the verbage "join my team).  You want to demonstrate success and a positive attitude.  Still post about your family, your weekend, funny things- but make it very obvious that if someone goes to your facebook page that know that YOU are a successful Younique presenter. 

BUT, do post things about your business!!!! 
* Post a photo of your kit when you receive it
* Post a before and after with the lashes
* Post a thank you to every customer that purchases or hostess that books from you
* Welcome new presenters to your team on your profile (tag them in the post)
* Congratulate your team's achievements and talk about your own promotions on your profile
* Add inspirational posts 
* Have posts that are interractive-- ones that ask questions, or you know will get comments. 

When I have someone request information from me, I have them add me as a friend.  (it's better if you request that they add you as a friend versus you adding them as a friend first-- you can get put in "facebook jail" if you send out too many friend requests that go unanswered).  I add them as a friend so that they will see my personal profile page and what I add.   I don't post very very personal things on my profile -- no more names of my kids or where they go to school or even the city that we live in.   

Some more tips! 
Like, comment or share your posts and more of your friends will see them. 

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