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The key to these parties are the RELATIONSHIPS!!  
Training comes directly from 
Get a detailed step-by-step training (this is an EXCELLENT source!!)  

STEP 1: You book a party with a hostess

STEP 2: Choose ONE date - probably an evening. Most likely it will be about a week out.  SOOOO- you won’t have a ten day party.  You’ll have 5-6 days leading up to a 

ONE NIGHT live party on facebook. The actual live event will last about 30 minutes.  I only do a FIVE day Party with these. Still set up a 10 day party, but have your live event happen right in the middle of that 10 days.  You can post the link in the description just in case someone wants to shop before the event. 

STEP 3: Create the EVENT (not group).  The Tag Team Gals were actually super confused why younique presenters were doing groups because they felt like it was kind of spammy- as people don’t get to choose as to whether they are included or not... Not a great way for building personal relationships.  “how did I get added to this” “or how did I get out of this.” And it’s a pain to invite people to a group as you have to add them one at a time.  Plus you can’t delete the group unless you personally remove every single person from the group.  

Now, you need to know that only the people that RSVP to the event will be notified of your posts. But you can ensure people see the event by sending personal messages.  Then it's super important to get people to RSVP!! 

STEP 4: Make the name of your event fun.   “mary jo’s facebook party” isn’t fun.
Be creative- have fun... something that get’s people excited and interested.   Something like "Kelly's Crazy Awesome LashCrack Party"  or "Get Fabulash with Kelly".  Have fun with it! 

STEP 5: Add a really fun photo on the event.  
Have the image communicate a WOW invitation.  Needs to have a FUN image and words that pull them in.  You need to give people some kind of incentive to RSVP.  

“the first 20 people to RSVP going or maybe will be entered to win a free lipgloss” (or eye shadow pigments).

Whatever you decide to give -- it needs to have a perceived value of $10-$15 

STEP 6: HOSTESS COACH.  This is VITAL.   VITAL!!!!  The BIGGEST Key to Success is HOSTESS COACHING.  You need to coach your host on what she needs to do to be successful.  

Job of your hostess: get people to the event and get them excited.  Welcome people to the event.  She needs to treat the event just like if it was an event in her home. 

Teach her how to invite people.  She needs to send a PERSONAL message to EVERY person she is inviting.  Keep the event personal.  In order to have a really successful event she needs 25 & 30 people to say YES I’m attending this party.  Tell her you need her to invite about 50 people in order to get the 20-30 there. DON’T tell her to invite every single person she knows. 

It’s HER job to get people to attend, not yours.  You need to teach her how to do that.  Make sure the hostess knows what is expected of her. 

It’s really important for the hostess to be vocal.  Her job is to get people there and to get them excited and pumped up. 

Tell the hostess to send a private individual message. NO MASS MESSAGES.  To each person she has invited, she needs to tell them about the facebook party.  The goal is to remind her friends to take a peek at what she’s planned.  It needs to be short and sweet and it needs to include the event link. 

The invitation needs to have a call to action.  And there needs to be an incentive to respond.  You want them to be inspired to join the event.  Hostess is making it easy for her friends to RSVP and that’s the bottom line. 

You need to help make it a little easier for her so she can just COPY & PASTE this invitation to her friends. ... She doesn’t need to come up with it-- You tell her what to write.

EX: (side note- I missed a few words in the invitation example - but this gives you a good idea)

“Hey Mary, 

I thought of YOU.  Did you see the invitation.  There’s this new amazing mascara that I’m in love with. I’m doing a fb party and invited you. 

It’s 30 minutes and it’s happening right here on facebook.  So you can stay in your jammies! 

So check it out if you want.  If you RSVP my lash lady is giving away a prize -- just sayin!



** Have a loud voice on the event wall is just as important. 

** Make sure you send the hostess plenty of product to sample and tryout BEFORE her party.  Invest in your hostess.  Encourage her to post pictures of herself wearing the makeup.  Tag her friends to start the conversation.  The more talking before the party the better.  Relationships are the bottom line. 





PRE PARTY POSTS .. Start the posts 5 days before your live event.  Do ONE post a day.  Don't overpost! 






Excited to share fun tips with you!   Make sure to catch our LIVE event on Thursday @ 9:00 pm for prizes and more!!  See you then :) 





Your hostess needs to send out another private message to remind your friends.  This is SO SO SO SO SO important.  SOOOOO important.  It’s so easy to get lazy and to forget about upcoming events.  The guests NEED that personal reminder.  You need to write the msg for her and tell her what to say.  Include the link to the facebook event again. 

STEP 8:  
(side note from Michelle- i LOVED this idea!!!  This is such a good idea!!).  The Presenter needs to create a short video.  This is something you can do in advanced-- make it generic so you can use the same one for all your hosts.  Keep it short- about 1 minute. Send it to your hostess and tell her how excited you are that she’s hosting tonight.    

Say something like “Hey Girl- so excited about your party tonight- Don’t forget to remind your friends. We are going to have a great time and they are going to love learning about Younique and the products.  See ya tonight!”

It’s ALL about the RELATIONSHIPS!!! Doing a video helps to create that relationship between you and the hostess (seriously this is a golden idea- golden!!!!)

YOUR JOB:  Post 3 posts the day of the party.  It’s your last chance to draw people in and get them to come back later that night. 

The first thing you are going to do is explain how the party is going to work.  Have a great image that you can post that also explains this just in case someone comes in late.  

You are going to have 5 main parts/posts.  Each “part” is going to last 5-7 minutes.  The TOTAL length of this party needs to stay under 30 minutes.  Really - the last ten minutes is going to be answering questions and explaining how to order.  SHORT & SWEET is the key.  People will start to check out if it gets to 40/45 minutes and then they won’t order.  Another big tip!!  Don’t post more than what the tag team recommends.  You don’t need 20 photos of lashes.  1-3 photos- maybe done in a collage- gets the job done. They’ll get it.  Too many can be overwhelming.  Over posting can break the party.

PART ONE I missed this part-- need to listen to the recording again. 

PART TWO video.  This is a pre-made video that you share that you’ve already uploaded.  You are going to give makeup suggestions.  It needs to be fun and short!  4-5 minutes.  This is your chance to show off your product.  All the while you are entertaining your guest.  Be different - be creative.  Do a video with another rep.  Dance- have music.  Within those first 30 sec your guests are going to decide if they want to keep watching it.  Make it entertaining and creative.

PART THREE- share a custom album that you already have ready to go on  your business fan page (on facebook). That’s really where they start to go shopping.  Don’t share a link to a catalog.  That will take them off facebook and you’ll lose people.  Instead send them to the photo album you have on facebook.  

The Custom album is less overwhelming and you are keeping them on facebook.  Put a sample of your best selling items that your guests can scroll through quickly.  On each slide you need it labeled (ABCDE, etc . . .  instead of having all the eye pigment colors spelled out. It’s fast & easy.)  So important!   There’s examples of albums on the Tag Team’s facebook page. 

PART FOUR- booking incentive.  That should be a part of the facebook party. You are going to invite the guests to host their own party.  

PART FIVE- Thank everyone for attending.  Explain how they are going to shop and place their orders. 

So the album is where people tell you what they want to order.  The guests will click on the link to the album, browse through and then, with your instructions, will comment on the photo what they would like to get and her email address.  NOW - here is where you can do 1 or 2 things.  


  • Send an invoice through paypal or something similar. 

  • Have them order off the website. 

The Tag Team gals both HIGHLY suggest you send an invoice because it just makes it easier for the customer.  And whatever makes it easier helps them to order more.  What they do is they have each guest comment on what they want to purchase. Then YOU as the presenter would figure out their total, and through your paypal account you would send them in invoice.  Instead of depending on them to go to your website to purchase.  Our website is pretty simple to order from, compared to maybe some other direct sales companies.  BUT- the tag team gals stressed that you want to make it as EASY as possible.  Is it worth paying the paypal fees if you get more orders?? probably! 

So, once the customer knows that she wants she is going to comment on the photo the item she wants and her email.   It’s your job to email her an invoice and help her one on one.  YOU do the work of ordering.  You are taking the sales out of it and putting them first.  Then once the party is over you can share your online catalog.  Sure they can order online if they want to .  You can also suggest that they send you a private message with their order.

And that’s IT!!  Party DONE!


1.) DON’T MAKE THE EVENT TOO LONG!  Some reps share and talk too much-- adding more photos and more videos.  They start the party at 9 pm and they are still talking at 10:45 at night.  The inclination as direct sellers is that we want to play games, share one more video- “oh my guests just NEED to see this”... but it DOESN’T work.  Keep it short and sweet.  Keep it to less than 30 minutes.  Around the 20 minute mark is when the ordering needs to happen. 

2.) AVOID CONFUSED CUSTOMERS.  When people are confused or frustrated they shut down. A clueless customer is something you want to avoid.  There are going to be some people that no matter how hard you or your hostess tried- they still won’t get it.  Don’t stress - you can still help her one on one... but keep things simple and well explained for the group. You can do that by setting the expectations for the event a few minutes before- explain how it works. 

“Tonight will be in FOUR PARTS.  each part will be 5-7 minutes long”  USE AN IMAGE WITH THAT!  People don’t come to facebook to shop-- they just don’t.  The visual needs to explain how it works.  

Explain how to order from you.  Make NOW comes the fun part!!  Here is my sample live party!  Feel free to copy and paste- this is meant to act as a "script" for you to make it easy to do your own parties!  No need recreate the wheel here folks. :)

 sure when you share that custom album that your friends now that simply by commenting on that album and by putting their email address on that album that you’ll be sending them an invoice for that order.  


People are not on facebook to shop.  They are on the event to socialize. Make sure the hostess is interacting during the party... she needs to welcome EVERY person as they come.  She can ask how they are doing- about their kids, etc ..  (that’s part of your hostess coaching to let her know she’ll need to do that).  You are treating it just as if it was a party in her home.  

4.) DON’T BE TOO “Salesy”.

You need to have good customers service.  You need to interact and help their guest.  Again, people are not on facebook to buy. They come to the event to socialize.  You need to be there to answer the questions quickly otherwise you can kiss that customer goodbye.  You need to be prompt about sending out invoices after the party.  Give good customer service and communicate back.  It’s going to be easy for them to click “not going”.  They can check out easily.  You need to be genuine and not super salesy.  Don’t be too salesy!!!!!!!    The tag team gals see a lot of reps being too focused on the sale. If you do that you will lose people.  Focus more on helping the guests find something that feels a need for them - instead of just pushing products. 

What does that mean??   There’s a fine line between pushing your product and sharing it.  Most people want to discover the product on their own.  No body wants to be sold to.  

It starts in the prepost.  If the guest sees that you are hard selling your product- they are less likely to attend the event. 

The pre-posts are all about sharing and fun.  Be silly - but still say something about your product. 


LAST MISTAKE:  Reps don’t show off their products.  You don’t have to show off all your products.  But with Younique there seems to be a tendency to focus on the mascara.  Don’t just focus on one product.  We have awesome products ... Lipglosses are awesome and Moisturizer is amazing.  You’ll miss the opportunity.  Plus all of our products are under $40!  We have great price points.  And really, we don’t have too many products - so you really could have all the products in the custom album and I don’t think people will be overwhelmed.  

People are going to buy what other people are excited about.  Send your hostess samples of everything.  If the hostess is excited then the guests will be excited too.  

Guests are more likely to take referrals and suggestions from their friends than the rep herself.  

And that’s it!! 
This is different from what we were doing before - but it’s a SYSTEM!  And I LOVE systems because it’s easy to teach and duplicate. 

Let's get partying!! 




TONIGHT is the night!! Super excited to hang out with you @ 9 pm mtn and share some of this fun makeup, tips and more!! Just to give you a sneak peek-- here are our most popular products:




I'm so excited to party with you tonight!! Don't forget to join our online event by hopping on your computer @ 9 pm mountain TONIGHT!!!! I'll be doing an on-time drawing for a free product!! Woohoo 




One hour until the party!! Can't wait for you to join me!!




15 minutes!! I'm so SUPER excited!!




[8:55 Right Before You Start]

HERE IS HOW THE PARTY WORKS: I will be posting various pictures and fun info about younique, as well as tips on this page for the next 30 minutes or so - about every 5 minutes they’ll be a new post. A couple of the posts will be videos that you can watch to see how some of the products are applied. Feel free to post questions and I will do my best to answer.

Once the party is over I’ll post a link to an album and instructions on how to order. Or you can always message Jen or I. Party starts in just a couple of minutes... eek!!





[9:00 pm Start of the Party]
ROLL CALL!!  Go ahead and list your name and where you are from!




[9:02 pm Start of the Party]

My Younique Story!  Share a little about how you got started with Younique.

ex: I wanted to share just a quick note about how I got started with Younique!  I first was curious about the 3D Lashes- I wanted to see if the pictures were actually true!  But then when I tried them I just fell in love!  I knew if  I loved the product so much that my friends would too.  At first I signed up just to share it with my family and friends but it when i earned my kit back within a week I knew I had found something amazing and decided to really make it a business. 





I'm really proud to share that our products are ALL naturally-based . . . many all natural. All except one product is Gluten Free and many are Vegan. No Talc, No Parabens, No Harmful Chemicals. AND we never test on animals! So you can feel great about what you are putting on your skin.





OK LADIES!  The ever famous 3D Fiber Lash Mascara!!  If there is anything you MUST buy, THIS IS IT!!  THis mascara will increase lash length and volume by 300%!  The fibers are all natural green tea leaves.  Simply apply the transplanting gel first, then while it's still wet, apply the DRY fibers, and then just one more quick coat of the gel to seal it all in.  Wallah!!  Magic in a bottle!  

The tubes last as long as your typical tube of mascara does (8-12 weeks).  It is water resistant, but comes off with your regular eye  makeup remover of soap and water.  Here's a super fun video that shows how to apply the 3D Fiber Lashes:

I can't apply my makeup without primer.  Glorious is an all over face, eye and lip primer.  This is silky smooth and will make your BB Cream go on soooo smooth!  Primer helps keep the makeup on your face and not in the creases.  It makes for an awesome hair serum too! 






Next is one of my favorites!  The eye shadow pigments  are 100% natural.  I love how versatile they are, and the colors are so vibrants.  Check out how one color can look so different just by using our YOUNIQUE Rose Water or Glorious Primer! You can also mix them in clear natil polish.  Pigments can be used anywhere on the body.  Try mixing Sexy with moisturizer for an all over GLOW! 

Check out this quick demo on how to use our eye pigments as eye liner. Seriously you won't ever go back to pencil liners again:

For 10 PARTY POINTS, comment which 2 colors you like the best! 





Poll Time!  What is the ONE makeup product you can't live without? 

Add some more amazing color with our Blushers and Lipgloss.   The lipgloss is AMAZING!  It's not sticky and goes on smooth.   Blushers are 100% natural, and a little goes a long way.  Blushers can also be mixed with primer, and applied to your lips for a matte look. 





















We do more than just makeup . . . I'm totally loving our skin care line too. Seriously loving! And the fact that's naturally-based- love love love. do something great for your skin and your skin will thank you.





Okay gals!! Here's the really fun part!! I have all of our products listed here in these photos. Choosing your favorites and ordering is SUPER SIMPLE.   Just browse through through the product images.   If you aren't sure what color to choose, I can share additional photos with you. Let me know if you have any questions!!   

To order, simply go directly through Kelly's Party Link: (insert link here). 
Don't forget to check out our SETS & COLLECTIONS. You can save up to 20% by ordering products together.  

























[9:30 After the Party]

Did you have fun tonight!?  LOVE the products!? Want to share it with friends!? Book your OWN party with me tonight and get a free eye pigment.   It's a simple as the event we just had!  Msg me tonight to get the free gift!! 



Seriously loving everything?!? You need to seriously consider signing up with this incredibly fast growing company! $99 bucks gets you everything you see here PLUS your own free website. Msg me for all the fun details and how you can get paid to play with makeup!

And that's the end of the party!!  I usually end up staying online to answer questions, give suggestions, etc ...  You can even pm the guests to see if they have any questions.  Often I'll be having  2-3 conversations going on at a time.  Make sure to ask each guest about hosting their own party. You goal should be to get 2 bookings from each party.  Good Luck!!! 

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