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These are tips from Dana Rehberger, a presenter in Tennesee.  She sells MUCH more Brilliant Moisturizer than any other product . . . even MORE than the 3D Fiber Lashes.  So I asked her for some great advice as to what she does, and she was so generous so share!!

How do you share the skincare products? 
"When I do a party, or present the product, I start with a 'good skin care routine'. I'm 42 and talk about how I wish I had found products in my 20s that were so easy to use (basically a 2 part system) and had saved my skin from damage while I was young... Then I talk about the anti fungal, anti aging properties in the products. I talk about how long the product will last them (about 3 months with daily use) and the changes they can expect to see in their skin. I show them before and after pictures of other presenters acne, wrinkles, etc.. Then I tell them, after 45 days of using it daily, if you don't like it, I'll refund half your costs, but you have to promise me that you will use it every day for 45 days.. Now, I'll be able to tell if you have been using it. This really, really gets them hooked. After about 2 or 3 weeks using it, they are loving it.. then they start looking at the other products. We work our way up to the lashes.. by the time they are buying the lashes, they are running out of brilliant and awake (remember, brilliant is a visual product.. they can see when they are running low and will remember to reorder and you can't really see that with the lashes).. at that point, they decide that maybe it is best to start buying the collections.Ok, that was super long... sorry.. I made a decision right off the bat that I would focus on the skin care part of it because I could see when my brilliant would be running out and would make sure and order more. BUT with the lashes, you may only have a 1 time customer. Mascara is tricky, it can going good one day, and you feel like you run out the next day. Are you going to wait a week for a new shipment, or are you going to go and grab something at the drug store??? Get them hooked on good skin care first!!

Do most of your customers try the products first/are local?
75% of my customers are all online friends met through the years. I have some local customers, but I spread my younique 'love' far and wide LOL"

What is your approach or "hook" you use to market the skincare online?
I share a LOT of pictures on my facebook page of before and afters. The ones where it is helping the acne, those gets messages really fast. Women my age are getting bad acne, they don't like it, they don't want it and they spend a LOT of money getting rid of it in a way that causes a rebound effect to their skin (use something that sucks all the oil out of your skin, your skin is going to freak out and make more oil).. I have done a LOT of research online about how chemical based products are causing the problems that we are paying a lot of money to stop. I get hooked by admitting, I have a HUGE zit on my neck right now, I'm treating it daily with awake and brilliant.. in 2 days, it is gone with no irritation, no scaring. Tell your team NOT TO BE AFRAID to talk about their own imperfections. We are not models, we are real women. I take some really, really rough looking up close pictures of my crows feet.. how am I going to change that?? I'm seeing results with brilliant. .... I love that my moisturizer has pearl dust in it, I'm worth real pearls.. just fun, outrageous posting. Then I stop for a few days.. they get interested and they start emailing me and messaging me. 

What have your personal results been with this type of marketing? 
I started doing this in late november with 1 recruit (only been selling since mid october). My team is now at 14 under me, and I made yellow, pink, blue in december, Then fast start the first of this month. Be real about the products, be real about yourself. When it comes to the lashes, be real about how perfect your make up was and then you dropped you wand on your face.. now your life is over.. take a picture of it, make it fun. I'm building my business slowly from the skin care line.. one customer at a time.. get them hooked on it.

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